Get early access to receive your VIP gift seat for these 2 days this December and discover the exact steps you need to break through the barriers currently stopping you from multiplying your income so you can FINALLY live the freedom-based lifestyle you deserve.

Transcendence Mastermind

December 6 – December 7, 2019 | Live in NYC

Special Invite


Get one of the remaining 6 Free Tickets to the event as Robert's guest.

But Hurry! This is ONLY available UNTIL November 10!

Yes, apply for my seat now!

The Transcendence Mastermind is perfect if you:

  • Are passionate about helping others and making a difference in the world, but struggle to find paying clients for your business
  • Are ready to step up to the next level of success with your business but every time you try you get sabotaged with more work, fears and overwhelm
  • Know that the success of your business is directly connected to your own mental, spiritual and physical health
  • Want an easy, step-by-step system for consistently transforming prospects into paying clients
  • Want to know quick and simple ways to generate greater income, and to keep more of what you create
  • Are ready to get your new business off to the right start or take your established business - including your credibility, income and even your lifestyle - to the next level

I imagine you've seen, and even felt, the massive transformation that is happening all around you. This is a unique time in human history, full of opportunities to grow and prosper and share your gifts with the world.

And fully embrace the success you're meant to have.

Or maybe it's because as an entrepreneur, you've quickly come to realize that YOU are the one who is in control of your financial future and fate.

Which means you need to know what to do NOW to grow your business, and stop giving your power away to other people. You must stop using the same old excuses, stop hiding out, expecting money and clients to just come knocking on your door.

This is YOUR time of empowerment and financial success!

So if you're ready to transform your destiny as an entrepreneur and create the success and freedom you deserve, then the Transcendence Mastermind is where it's all going to happen for you!

What makes the Transcendence Mastermind so different from the other events out there?

These is 2 days of in-depth content, not a bunch of fluff and endless sales promotions.

It's about embracing what's possible for you in your business and your life, and how to be genuinely happy.

Then you learn how to cultivate a success-attractive mindset + easy to implement plans and steps to finally fill your business with clients you love.

You'll have more money, more freedom, and the ability to shine as you help the people you're meant to serve.

"I made $4500 in one week!"

 "I made over $4500 in one week and I'm on track for my best month ever. I even launched an online group program and got 24 new clients in just 2 days. Plus, I learned how important it is to have support and I hired my first assistant.

I've been able to double my rates and sign on three times as many clients as before. My biz is taking off and moving in the right direction and I’m doing better than ever! Thanks to Robert for all of his great coaching and support, I couldn't be where I am without him!"

Shannon Malkin Daniels, Coach & Speaker

“My client invested $6000 for a VIP day!”

 "Since working with Robert I’ve significantly grown my contact list and social media followers. I’ve learned how to make sense of marketing so it’s no longer overwhelming, and I have a lot more consistent results to thank for it. I’ve even had my first client for a VIP day who invested $6000 in my program!

I’ve also almost doubled my client rate because I’ve learned to really own my worth and the value of my programs. I finally stopped discounting myself and it feels great. Robert’s compassionate support helped me really believe in me!"

Dr. Patricia Pimentel Selassie, Naturopathic Doctor

Wherever you are now in your business, your mindset and your life, I'm ready to help you create a HUGE shift in the profitability of your practice, and embody success on the inside and the outside.

During this LIVE Event, I'll share how to generate income AND more importantly create the lifestyle you desire.

This is THE event where you'll discover:

Training Session 1

"Create A Powerful, Confident & Client Attractive Mindset"

In this training session you'll discover:

  • How to identify, cultivate and connect with the higher purpose of your business and your work
  • Learn my 6 step Neuro Reconditioning formula, where you'll develop a mental landscape that allows you to attract consistent money and achievement
  • How to increase your self-esteem and self-worth, so you'll be happier and live each day with renewed passion
  • Identify the unconscious beliefs that keep you from attracting more clients and stuck in patterns of procrastination and lack
  • Understand the real truth behind the Law of Attraction, and the missing ingredient people aren't telling you
  • Learn 3 simple techniques to instantly stop self-criticism and judgement, so you feel positive and confident
  • Learn how your beliefs and every day habits were formed, where they came from, and how to change them so you get much better results
  • Develop 'Business Positive' environments that keep you working in a smooth groove, productive, efficient and with no more overwhelm
  • Learn to make peace with any fears or uncertainty you feel when it comes to growing your business
  • Identify new opportunities for growth in your life and in your biz, that you may have previously overlooked
  • How to stop comparing yourself to others and wondering what's "wrong" with you, so you surpass your past limitations and become a leader in your marketplace
  • Understand where you're playing too small and stop letting doubt and fear get in the way of your success
  • How to become the conscious creator of your own success, so you start living a much more empowered life and model that for your clients


  • Detailed chart showing you how to create your client attractive mindset, every day
  • My 6-step negative thought stopping exercise that will help you create positive beliefs that are aligned with your vision
  • Checklist for everyday steps you can take to create a positive mood and a confident outlook

Training Session 2

"Money Manifestation: How To Attract Consistent Income By Upgrading Your Core Money Mindset"

In this training session you'll discover:

  • How to see your worth with new eyes and immediately transform that energy into signing more clients, raising your rates, eliminating money drama, going out and speaking, reducing your debt... and more
  • How to release the 'money stories' you were taught at an early age, create new money attractive mindset patterns that inspire you to take action to find clients consistently
  • Ways to get to the BOTTOM of why you keep attracting the same money issues, and what to do about it so you FREE yourself from this self-sabotaging pattern
  • Steps to eliminate the most common habits that are unconsciously causing you to discount your value in the eyes of your clients
  • Methods to immediately free yourself from money power struggles between you and the people in your life you care about
  • Effective exercises to pinpoint and eliminate ANY conflicting feelings about money and take your business to the next level from a place of integrity, alignment and wholeness


  • How to see your worth with new eyes and immediately transform that energy into signing more clients, raising your rates, eliminating money drama, going out and speaking, reducing your debt... and more
  • How to release the 'money stories' you were taught at an early age, create new money attractive mindset patterns that inspire you to take action to find clients consistently
  • Ways to get to the BOTTOM of why you keep attracting the same money issues, and what to do about it so you FREE yourself from this self-sabotaging pattern


Training Session 3

"Master Your Marketing: Create An Authentic & Understandable Plan To Consistently Fill Your Programs & Services With Paying Clients"

In this training session you'll discover:

  • My Online Marketing Template detailing showing you exactly what strategies to use and when, so marketing becomes simple and understandable, all so you quickly grow your income AND build your contact list
  • How to take the mystery out of marketing, and create a step-by-step UNDERSTANDABLE action plan to generate new leads and new client with ease (and steady income)
  • How to quickly transform feeling overwhelmed or uncertain into action and momentum that brings you many paying clients
  • Strategies to create a client attractive communication plan, so your contacts start saying YES to your courses, programs and offerings (even if you don't think you're a good communicator)
  • How to know WHEN and HOW often and WHAT to promote to your contact list and potential clients, so you don't have to figure it out on your own, so you generate calls and requests to join your programs
  • The key to communicating with people to instantly start attracting the right clients and generating referrals whether you're at the store, at a networking meeting or leading a class
  • How to quickly and easily create marketing campaigns that are so compelling and moving, your community will quickly sign up for your offers and programs
  • How to know what you should focus on each day in your marketing and your business, so you grow your income by leaps and bounds (and how to eliminate the time-draining activities and environments that are in your way)
  • How to cultivate the mindset of a 6-Figure and 7-Figure entrepreneur and change your thinking, so you move past limiting beliefs, into a new paradigm of success
  • SIX sure-fire ways to create your stay-in-touch plan, so that you have a continual stream of new clients, automatically and consistently, even while you sleep, for this year and beyond


  • Step by step "Marketing Success Plan" detailing exactly how you'll attract your next 10 clients, all outlined in an easy to implement, "I can do this and trust myself!" format
  • Minute by minute, practically done-for-you template of how to set and reach your goals, and market your biz in less time
  • My 6-figure system template, showing you what steps to take and when (for all of your promotional campaigns) so you quickly make more money


Training Session 4

"How to Create Group Programs and Master Minds (Helping You Grow Your Reputation, Leverage Your Time and Income and Help Your Clients Reach Even Better Results)"

In this training session you'll discover:

  • What is the OPTIMUM number of people to include in a group or master mind coaching call
  • How to plan for, create and structure group master minds, so it flows easily for both you and the participants
  • The best ways to market your groups, so you consistently fill each program and quickly build your income in less time
  • Step by step, how to start and lead your calls, including what to say to maximize participation and how to end on time, every time
  • Why group programs are a lucrative strategy for YOU and why your clients will also benefit from this specialized approach
  • How to integrate group programs into your current program and services mix
  • The best way to tell current clients about your new programs, and have them enroll
  • How to run your masterminds virtually, so you can earn more money and help people all over the world
  • 3 super charged marketing strategies (that are easy to use) that will have your programs fill and even generate a waiting list
  • What to offer after your mastermind is over, so people want to take the nest step to continue to pay you for your support


  • Step by step template, outlining exactly what to do when, during each moment of your group or master mind coaching call
  • Mastermind Marketing checklist on how to promote your programs so you fill them with the best clients
  • Checklist of the best details to include in your programs, so your participants feel totally loved and validated by the support they receive



"Video Marketing Secrets: How to Increase Your Visibility, Attract Clients and Generate More Income"

In this training session you'll discover:

  • The best ways to use videos to create income and quickly grow your contact list
  • Exact script you can use to create the content and flow of your video so your viewers watch and then take the next step to working with you
  • Exact template you can use to quickly write and create a lead generating opt in webpage video
  • Easy to follow, video sign-up page prototype you can use and customize, that details how to quickly create your own high-conversion video marketing launch
  • The exact 6-step sequence to follow when planning your video launch of any program, product or service so you generate sales and profits
  • How to speak and look natural on camera, so that your audience connects with you and you project a confident image and fantastic energy (including a tip I learned from one of Lady GaGa's video choreographers)


  • Checklist of which supplies you'll need (you can find them all inexpensively online) to make beautiful videos with a small budget
  • Templated and sample scripts you can use to create your high content, lead generating videos for launching any type of program, product or service

"I left my teaching job and made 6-figures."

 "Robert has been instrumental in helping me live my purpose. As a former Yale and Harvard professor, I needed help to grow my practice. And with his guidance I earned 6-Figures in just one year, as an intuitive and I was able to leave my teaching job. I also lead mastery programs, workshops, VIP days and have achieved so much.

The best part of the journey with Robert was not just earning abundant income, I was able to get out of overwhelm and even raise my prices! He helped me learn to grow a full time practice even as a mom of 3 children. And now I’m learning how to take my business to an even bigger level with spiritual development! "

Naomi Pabst, Intuitive Strategist & Healer, PhD.

“My Income Has Doubled”

 "Before working with Robert my business was all over the place. I was stressed out and confused because I felt that I needed to be everything to everyone. My business was doing alright but it lacked focus. I was missing a clear path to creating a business that was uniquely me.

Working with Robert has allowed me to define a business that is conducive to my lifestyle. He gave me the ability to stand in my power and work through my self-sabotaging beliefs. As a result my income has more than doubled and I am seen as an expert in my field. I love working with the clients I attract and continue to evolve my business to fit my busy lifestyle. I am grateful to have Robert as my mentor, guide and inspiration."

Waltraud R. Unger, Health, Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach

"I Have Increased My Revenue 30% In 6 Months"

 ""I have been in business for 25 years, and although I have been making a decent living I realized I was doing the same thing over and over again. I was not keeping up current trends and burning out. Since I have been working with Robert I have a whole new look to my business and have reinvented myself. I am doing seminars, teleseminars programs, Skye programs, and I have only just begun. My motivation has returned to what it was 25 years ago.

I have only been working with Robert for 6 months and I have increased my revenue 30 percent. I look forward to quadrupling it and more. This was the best decision I made. I went into it thinking 'I can't afford this', now I say I cannot afford not to work with Robert I feel alive again in business."

Barbara Crosby, Motivational Coach

Wherever you are now in your business, your mindset and your life, I'm ready to help you create a HUGE shift in the profitability of your practice, and embody success on the inside and the outside.

During this LIVE In-Person Event, I'll share how to generate income AND more importantly create the lifestyle you desire.

The Transcendence Mastermind is a MUST if you are:

  •  Just starting out as a health and wellness professional or have been in business for a while, and want to learn what's proven to work (and what to skip) in today's market, helping you get the right start as you move ahead with your exciting new business
  • Ready to step up to the next level of success with your business but every time you try, it seems you get sabotaged with more work, fears and overwhelm?
  • Already established as a practitioner and want time-saving tools and strategies to streamline your business so you can comfortably and confidently grow your list, attract more clients and increase your income
  • Excited to learn how to cultivate your own money mindset, to charge what you're worth, stop letting fears hold you back, and confidently step into your shining success
  • Seeking networking, collaboration and referral partner opportunities - plus how-to training on increasing your credibility and opening the door to exciting, new opportunities
  • Ready to be handed done-for-you templates detailing every step in adding lucrative high-end coaching programs that can easily add thousands of dollars of additional monthly income
  • Eager to learn the latest and most authentic business building skills to make you indispensable to your niche, and do it all with integrity and honest purpose

PLUS... You get these BONUSES

Bonus #1: My Advanced
"Shining Goal Money & Marketing Planning System"
Telecourse Training

This bonus is available for you after you secure your gift "achievement ticket". Prior to the event, I'll walk you through, step by step, how to put together an UNDERSTANDABLE plan to market your practice, set REAL goals, create a MANAGEABLE plan for your goals... all so you attract and KEEP more money in your business. You'll overcome the overwhelm and manage your time to attract the clients you love. This will help you take away the worry about how to accomplish what you want, so you can focus on deepening your coaching skills and the work you do with your clients.

  • How to set realistic goals that inspire you to want to take action and earn more money in much less time
  • Tips to make sense of time management, so you know WHAT to do and when so you generate income and new clients
  • Exactly what steps to take to reach each of your big money goals, and how to get support to make it happen... so you feel relieved and have room to breathe again

Bonus #2:
Success Workbook & Full Color Materials

This special bonus will save you time. I've carefully packaged the tools you need to be successful in your own special workbook. These are the SAME tools I've used in my business for years, so you KNOW they work.

Each of the templates, scripts, checklists, examples and more is beautifully presented in a beautiful bound workbook, so it's easy for you to reference over and over again as part of your Six Figure Success Plan. You'll be able to download them RIGHT away on your computer.

Bonus #3:
Personalized Coaching

Throughout the mastermind I include opportunities to receive spotlight coaching with me. I'm known for creating a sacred space where it's safe to get right to the heart of an issue...FAST. I LOVE the transformation created right on-the-spot during these business makeovers! You'll learn from the opportunity to witness masterful coaching.

Bonus #4:
Access To FULL Event Recording

In addition to having access to the LIVE broadcast, you'll also get access to the full video recordings of the event. This way, you can rewatch your favorite parts. OR if you can't attend live, you'll still be able to watch on your own schedule after the event is completed.

You'll have access to all of the videos and the materials and bonuses
for a full 12 days after the event!

Bonus #5:
Invite a friend for free

Why not invite a friend, colleague, member of your team or even your spouse to attend the mastermind too? It's such a gift to share this experience with someone you know or love who supports you on your journey to more success. So I'm gifting you with a bring-a-colleague ticket to give someone else the opportunity to learn and grow their practice as well.

You'll get details on Invite a Friend ticket once your application to join the event is approved.

"I Have So Many Paying Clients That I Have To Quit MY Day Job."

 "Before working with Robert I didn't have a business, I only had a dream. Putting myself out there was way too scary! I was afraid to try because I was afraid I would fail. But thanks to Robert and his belief in me, everything changed for me.

Thanks to working with Robert, my business is booming. I have so many paying clients that I have to quit my day job, and it all happened in just a month after I started working with him! I have twenty paying individual clients, a group program and a waiting list because I have so many people interested. Robert taught me how to find my true niche and he supported me step by step."

Jenna Bayne, Nutrition Coach

"Highly successful clients are your best marketing strategy for long-term profits and success!"

- Robert Notter

"I overcame my fears and left my day job to do coaching full time."

 "Before I began working with Robert, I was simultaneously working a 9-5 job while building a private practice. I was stressed out, overwhelmed and didn't have clarity. I had a lot of fears around putting myself out there and really committing to a direction. I felt like I had to choose between coaching and a "stable" job. I was really confused about what direction I should take.

I really credit Robert for taking my private practice to the next level. He enabled me to confront my fears. He helped me find the confidence to believe in myself and the services I offer. Through his support I have been able to leave the security of my full time job and commit to building my practice my full time. This has allowed me to make time for my own self-care and spend more time with my family. I have many more clients and my business continues to grow. I feel truly blessed to have Robert in my life."

Jennifer Bronsnick, Clinical Social Worker & Coach

Transcendence Mastermind

December 6 – December 7, 2019 | Live in NYC

Special Invite


Get one of the 30 VIP GIFT Tickets to the event event as Robert's guest.

But Hurry! This ONLY available UNTIL NOVEMBER 10!

Yes, reserve my seat now!

I'll Even Include This Pre-Mastermind Bonus To Help Get You Started On Your Journey

Bonus Live QA Coaching Call

Prior to the event, I'll be hosting a live QA Coaching Call to take your questions and offer support even before we meet in NYC! I'll be sharing tips on how to improve your coaching, build your confidence and marketing your practice. And have you set up for success at the event.

You can ask any questions you like and I'll be there to support you! It's a great way to get clear on your goals before the mastermind, and to connect with the other attendees before you meet in person! You're going to love this heart-centered group.


  • DATE:
  • TIME:

  • Attend IN New York City
    -SoHo Event Ballroom
  • Friday & Saturday, December 6 and 7, 2019
  • 10 am to 5 pm EST each day

Harness the Power of Your Mind Combined With A Practical Action Plan

Whether reaching a new level means owning your worth, letting go of overwhelm, creating lucrative programs and services, presenting profitable workshops or having more support, then this is the event for you. This is about you being happy while doing the work you’re meant to do, with passion and purpose, on your terms, and in a way that feels powerfully authentic to YOU!

So, are you ready to join me?

Your success starts when YOU decide and take action. Here's how to get started and request for your free "achievement seat" for the Transcendence Mastermind with Robert to learn to grow your skills and your practice with his support!

Request Your Free Achievement Ticket Now


"Yes Robert, I can't wait to attend your
LIVE Transcendence Mastermind in New York City and deepen my coaching skills, simplify my marketing and grow my income and impact with the training and materials you’ll hand me at this event!"

THE EVENT IS NOW SOLD OUT . But you can put your name on the WAITING LIST by applying below. And if any seats open up we will let you know ASAP:

1. These tickets are application based, as a gift from Robert to his community of practitioners and health professionals and coaches. This is his way of giving back to support his community. The only cost to you is your time and commitment to taking the steps he'll teach you.

It's meant for serious entrepreneurs who are ready and committed to taking action and getting out of their comfort zone.

So, please apply for a seat only if you're serious about making a BIG difference in your practice and are ready to learn from Robert how to take your skills and your marketing to the next level.

Start by entering your personal information in the section below (name, email, address etc.) so we know how to contact you about attending the mastermind. Please know that all of your personal information as well as your responses are completely confidential and kept in the utmost regard. Your information and replies will not be read by anyone except Robert.

2. Answer the questions below and tell us more about you and your business, so that Robert knows how to best support you, what your goals are and where you need help. He will personally review all of your answers and is excited to learn more about you!

3. Your answers will be carefully reviewed, and in order to qualify for one of these 30 gift seats it's important that Robert, through the answers to your questions, get a sense that you are a committed, driven entrepreneur who is ready to become a more powerful coach. And who is serious about taking the steps to grow your practice now through the strategies and support you'll get at the event.

It's important to answer the questions carefully and honestly and with excitement. He will personally review all of your answers and is excited to learn more about you!

4. Then click the "Apply For My Seat" button and submit your application request for the mastermind.

5. Our team will email you to confirm we received your information. Then Robert will review all of the applications submitted.

And he will personally contact you within 2 business days to let you know if you'll be receiving one of the 30 achievement seats.

Please know submissions are considered both in the order in which they are received and through the content and depth of your answers so time is of the essence!

Tell us more about you and your business:

*First Name:
*Last Name:
*Street Address:
*Zip Code:

*1. Tell me about your practice. What do you do, how long have you been in business, and where did you study or attend your training?

*2. What are your goals for your practice and all of the things you'd like to accomplish? (# clients, income goals, program goals and more.)

*3. What are the challenges you'd like to overcome, in order to achieve your goals with your business (and in working with your clients)?

*4. Why is it important for you to have more
support and accountability?

*5. Are you willing to do what it takes, challenge yourself to get OUT of your comfort zone, eliminate excuses and be unstoppable towards your own success?

*6. Why do you want to attend the Transcendence Mastermind with Robert and this group of heart-centered practitioners?

7. Is there anything else you'd like me to know about you or your business?


This will be a life and business changing event.

 I also know that these success strategies should be accessible to everyone, no matter how much money you make now. The world needs your help, and you need to know how to get clients to say YES to working with you.

These are the exact tools I've used to create a multiple six figure business and helped many clients to do the same, with authenticity and integrity. The value of this event will bring you more clients, more confidence, and the freedom to know that you WILL SUCCEED doing the work you love.

Transcendence Mastermind

December 6 – December 7, 2019 | New York City

Special Invite


Get one of the 30 Free Tickets to the event event as Robert's guest.

But Hurry! This ONLY available UNTIL NOVEMBER 10!

Yes, reserve my seat now!

"My clients now pay me $1,500 per month for my program."

 "Prior to working with Robert, I felt lost in a fuzzy cloud of "Where do I begin?" I wanted to help anyone and everyone with very little focus and certainly without a niche or specialty. This made it very difficult to market myself let alone explain what I did for a living.

Robert offered "done for you" lists and activities that walked me step by step through finding my niche AND in writing a teleclass! Brilliant! His teaching skills made the process easy and super fun. Now, I enjoy telling people what I do for a living, and I'm attracting elite clientele who pay $1,500 a month for my diamond platinum program. I radiate gratitude for the work Robert does in this world. His skills and knowledge allow me to fulfill my dreams and help change the way the world person at a time."

Allison Suter, Elite Nutritional Coach

“My private practice has finally taken off!”

 "Working with Robert, my private practice has finally taken off! As he showed me how to take action, it quickly increased my self-esteem and confidence tremendously. Robert taught me how to effectively and successfully connect with people in my niche and walked me through the process step by step. He holds me accountable, and lovingly gives me a kick in the butt when I have needed it. His methods are proven and they really work!

My vision for my business is taking shape and continues to grow in wonderful ways. Now, every client I have had a consultation with has signed up for one of my individual or group 6-month programs. His techniques work and my business dreams are coming true!"

Dr. Shari J. Schindel
Clinical Psychologist and Certified Health Coach

"I Have A Consistent Flow Of New Clients"

 "I can't even begin to describe how Robert's coaching has changed my biz and my life. I've learned how to market my business with understandable strategies. I have a consistent flow of new clients and my business is growing. I have increased my speaking engagements by 50%, my essential oil retail sales have increased 67%, and I recently signed a new premium client who paid in full!

I learned to stop self-sabotage and have the courage to take action. Without a doubt, I am not in the same place as a year ago, and I am confident that my business will continue to grow solidly, consistently, and with ease for years to come."

Mollie Gordon, Holistic Coach

"Our list has doubled since working with Robert."

 "Robert helped us get out of overwhelm and inconsistent marketing and have a solid plan and know exactly what to do to attract the right prospects. We have a lot more people coming to our events and our programs.

Our list has doubled since working with Robert because now we know what to and attract the right people. In fact, after one of our talks, the American Diabetes Association contacted us to do a talk at their expo. Now we know how all the pieces come together to make a long-term, results oriented plan and we have the confidence to execute that plan and earn great income!"

Cindy & Jeff Berkowitz
Health Coach & Private Chef

"I Am Presenting About Health On Capitol Hill"

 "I owe a lot to Robert for where my business is today and for where I know it is heading. What I didn't realize when I joined the program was how much I was going to be looking inside and figuring out personal issues and fears I had about money and setting boundaries. Robert has helped me find ways to manage my workload so that I am consistently taking action and no longer overwhelmed.

I've learned to value myself and my time and feel confident in charging for my work. In fact, clients are now paying $3000 for my 4-month program. I've also learned to get clear on my niche and become more visible. And I have a number of major events coming up including presenting at Capitol Hill! What brought all of this together was taking action and not aiming for perfection. If it hadn't been for Robert, such simple yet profound notions would have eluded me for a long time."

Rana Ghaoui, Health Coach

"I Stopped Undercharging For My Services."

 "Working with Robert, I was able to move past my fears and into my power, and stop letting inner voices hold me back from relating to people. I've not only learned practical tools, like how to write emails, discuss my fees and do videos, I also had the results that came with it. I've had a big boost in my income and finally stop undercharging for my services.

I am now a regular instructor at Rutgers University teaching energy medicine classes. I've significantly increased my mailing list, and regularly have referral partners sending me clients. His tools are easy to implement, and I've been able to take part in his classes in a way that only saved me time, not take away from my day. I've even hired an assistant to support me. And I started working with publishing company and began writing on my very own book!"

Irina Maryanchik
Energy Medicine Practitioner & Integral Yoga Instructor